Can you give me information on how to access the library to find Doctor of Ministry projects done by other DMin students?


All theses created by PTS students, including the Doctor of Ministry projects, can be found in both the archives and the library stacks.  If you would like to browse for projects in the stacks, you can find them on the first floor of the library in the PTS Thesis Collection, starting with the call number BV4070.P583.  These books are at the end of the BX call numbers.

If you would like to search the library catalog for theses, you can change the collections searched from "Everything" to "PTS Theses" and then perform keyword/author/title/subject searches as appropriate.  See the example below:



Barbour Library does not currently have electronic copies of theses available for viewing.

  • Last Updated Jan 30, 2025
  • Views 74
  • Answered By Mark Russell

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