How do I print a full text article (EBSCO)?

When I have the PDF open in EBSCO, the print icon on the right hand side only prints the citation. How do I print the full text? 


When you click on the "PDF Full Text" and open up the full text of an article in EBSCO, follow one of these depending on the internet browser you are using:

Google Chrome:

When you have the PDF open, click the Print icon along the top bar.

Microsoft Edge:

When you have the PDF open, to print you need to click the Download PDF from the top left bar.

There are three options available once the PDF is open.

  1. Use Ctrl+P on your keyboard
  2. From the "File" menu, select Print
  3. When the bar at the top appears, click the Print icon


  • Last Updated Jun 10, 2021
  • Views 32
  • Answered By Carrie Nelson

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